Treadmill error code troubleshooting

Different brand of treadmill, error code may reflect to different issue. Better to check the machine manual or contact the manufacturer to get the correct info once your machine apparel an error code.
Below info for your reference.
E01 error code: communication failure: console board and control board cannot communicate.probably console board issue or control board issue or data cable issue. replace a data cable,checking whether the machine can running? If no, Replace the control board.
E02 error code: control board or motor issue. Test the motor first to check if the motor can runing normally. If motor is normal, replace the control board.
E03 error code: 1,Turn on the treadmill , motor running a few seconds then stop and console board shows E03, probably the Speed sensor issue.
2,Turn on the treadmill,motor can't runing and console board shows E03, probably the control board issue .
Test the motor first to check if the motor can runing normally. If motor is normal:    1,replace speed sensor; 2,replace control board
E04 error code: generally over-current fault:components of control board has burned. replace burned components or replace control board.
E05 error code:Current overload protection or Unstable speed.check the components on control board, if they connect normally? If not, re-plug the components or replace the control board.
E06 error code:Motor overload.Test the motor first to check if the motor can running normally. If motor is normal, replace the Current limiting resistor on control board or replace whole control board.
E07 error code:console board issue.replace console board cricuit board or replace data cable.
E08 error code: There may be a lift motor control fault.
Due to different brand treadmills have their own setting and meaning of error code, so we can't 100% sure the above content fits your machine.

So we suggest that you can contact your treadmill distributor or manufacturer to get a user manual, that will be very useful to help you diagnose the issue.

if you can't found out the spare part you need, please feel free to contact us via email
please help to attach 1~2 pictures of your original spare parts in the email, we will get back to you within 12 hours.
Here are some quick links of our website:
Treadmill motor control board
Treadmill universal control set
Treadmill Inverter
