Return and refund policy offers a 30 day guarantee (from the day the part is delivered) on all parts listed on the

If within those 30 days the ordered part turns out to be defective, we will do an exchange if possible or refund the total amount paid.
If within those 30 days the ordered part is working and doesn't resolve the issue, we would refund the price of the part, however, there will be a 20% restocking fee.
A refund will be sent once the part is back in the warehouse.

To return an item, please contact us via below contact way.
All parts orders are non-refundable after 30 days.

return address and info:
Contact name: Allen Lin
phone number:+8618123609526
Add:111Room,13th Building, BanDaoYuan,Bu Ji Jie Dao,Longgang District,ShenZhen,GD,China

Contact Us
Phone: +8618123609526